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The Dutch Benefits Benchmark Report 2024

Ingeborg van Harten

There are many things an employer can do to stand out and – maybe more importantly – become an attractive employer that a diverse pool of employees want to keep working with. What can help you become one? The benchmark report can support you in creating the right benefits package, one that can be applied to any company culture.

This report was written to provide you with tangible insights into the employee benefits packages of the Netherlands. With 197 respondents for our survey, our data provides a complete, overall picture of what employers offer their employees. The report can be used to benchmark your own benefits package with that of all those other employers at once. We hope you feel inspired by reading about all that’s possible within the world of compensation. For this report, YourCampus brought in 7people for their HR expertise. 7people provided the analyses of the survey and other practical insights.

YourCampus is a platform where employees can personalize their compensation and benefits. Using budgets from categorized wallets, employees can easily select their benefits from more than 250 benefit partners. Whether they pick a gym, select one over 10,000 courses, or use a daycare service, it can all be done on the same platform.


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